Child Sponsorship

About Us
Who are we?
International Association for Transformation is founded in 1979 as a non-profit service society, and based in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, IAT has had ongoing programs in Canada and the Philippines for the past 40 years.

Our Focus
Multicultural Youth Development and Leadership Training;
Environmental Protection and Restoration;
Tropical Agriculture and Organic Farming
Tropical Agriculture and Organic Farming

Our Mission
To raise the awareness of humanity concerning global conditions and to support its efforts toward creating a peaceful, pollution-free world with an abundant standard of living for all.

Our Objectives
To offer short term cross-cultural experience (6 to 10 months) and residential environmental and leadership training to youth;
To initiate small social, economic, and environmental community projects in response to local requests as a way of introducing youth to community development;
To encourage youth to initiate or contribute to positive change in their countries of origin and to support youth in such efforts through a communications network maintained by the program;
To link the youth training in Canada and the Philippines.
Our logo

IAT's logo represents the uplifting or evolution of human consciousness beyond the greed, fear, conflict and material confines of the earth plane. It symbolizes the repetitive nature of education and experience that leads to wisdom.
A circle is a symbol of unity, healing, integrity and completion. The spiral is an extension of the circle - a soaring to ever increasing heights. It represents the repetitive nature of the seasons and cycles - but always there is evolution, growth and change.

Dandelion seeds blowing in the wind represent the hundreds of underprivileged children IAT has empowered with education and leadership skills during the past 40 years. Their potential is now being realized.
These are seeds of transformation, that are germinating deep within the mass consciousness. They are creating waves of awakening, reminding increasing numbers who they are, why they are here, and what their purpose is.
The seeds symbolize the new generation of children who are pioneering a new era. It is their mission to lead humanity in co-creating a world of peace and harmony and a future filled with promise for all.
These are the seeds of compassion, understanding, respect for nature, non-violence, personal freedom, wisdom and love.